
Apps & Online Tools for Rheology

Rheology Lite for iPad

Rheology Lite for iPad

An iOS App for rheological analysis of the flow behavior of non-Newtonian materials. Determine the zero-shear-viscosity, shear-thinning-index, relaxation time, yield stress, flow activation energy, and WLF parameters.

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Viscosity Models

Cross model, Carreau model, Carreau-Yasuda model.
Determine Zero Shear Viscosity, Relaxation Time and Shear Thinnning Index using these viscosity models.

Flow Curve Models

Power Law model, Bingham model, Herschel Bulkley model, Casson model.
Determine Yield Stress, Bingham Plastic Viscosity, Consistency and Casson Viscosity using these flow curve models.

Temperature Models

Arrhenius model, WLF model.
Determine the Temperature Dependence of Viscosity, FlowActivation Energy and the WLF Constants using these temperature models.


Loading Data for Analysis

Load experimental data from text or csv files, or use the manual input mode to directly copy paste for example from a spreadsheet.

Copy Plot and Results

Copy the plot of the fitted model as a png image, and the analysis result as text, and paste into another document.

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Rheology Lite for iPad Screenshots

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